VBScript vicious infection DOCUMENT

Oktober 11, 2008

They generate an encrypted with the condition. How in the handling of viruses such as this? Follow this discussion more times!

Closer trends of VBScript is not yet finished. Tthe virus to make local action. This time we will try to discuss one of the VBScript viruses diversified, which use other techniques in infection. Indeed dike tahui virus is likely the virus is not the latest release, the TAP technology is carried other than the virus usually VBScript and there are still some readers who complained about the virus. This virus has the original file size of 5,915 bytes. Small enough, huh?This is one of the advantages possessed by the virus types VBScript, because the size of the file the virus is a relatively small feed for value-added rate can accelerate the spread of this virus.

The virus can run smoothly on the Windows XP operating system that we test it. Glance, if seen in the visual use Notepad, type of virus that has extension .Extension. vbs in this present condition encrypted. We can know when opened, because the only characters that appear strange, however, if more circumspect, at the top of there string string “RPVBLK = True” or “RPVBLK = False”, and at the bottom there is a normal routine as the decryptor which can be read.
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